Contemporary world issues. Science, technology, and medicine

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The opioid crisis

a reference handbook
Examines the history of opioid abuse from ancient times to today, and discusses opioids' effects on the body, the problems and controversies surrounding the drugs, and possible solutions to their abuse including legislation, education, and law enforcement. Includes personal perspectives, profiles of related people and organizations, primary source documents and tables of data, a chronology, a glossary of terms, and a list of related resources.
Cover image of The opioid crisis


a reference handbook
Explores the nature of marijuana and its legal status in the United States today.


a reference handbook
Provides an updated look at cloning, discussing its background and history, problems and possible solutions, effects on society, and various perspectives. Includes profiles of people and organizations, a chronology, primary source documents, and resources for further research.

Internet censorship

a reference handbook
Introduces the issues surrounding freedom of information on the Internet and censorship of the Internet in the United States.


a reference handbook
Explores the regulation, production, and consumption of marijuana in the United States and around the world.

The animal experimentation debate

a reference handbook
Presents all sides on the issue of experimenting on animals in the name of science and includes biographies of individuals who have been involved in the debate through history.
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