Fourteen-year-old Tao, a cave painter living in prehistoric times, sets out on an odyssey to bring healing to the blind girl, Deha, and the outcast children.
Discusses the subject matter, techniques, and cultural significance of the paintings and engravings made on rocks, both inside caves and in the open air, by primitive people around the world.
Grunt, a young cave boy, can draw animals that are so realistic they come to life, but when the tribe's hunters kill the animals for food, their greed almost depletes the supply altogether.
Forbidden to make images, fourteen-year-old Tao, a boy with a bad foot, yearns to be a cave painter, recording the figures of the rhinos, bison, and other animals of his prehistoric times.
A group of witches and wizards gathers to seek a way to save Earth from the turmoil they foresee, and thousands of years later geologists discover a cave painting in the French Alps that seems to have magical properties.
Examines Lascaux--the French cave containing Old Stone Agewall paintings of bison, deer, and horses--from geologic, archaeological, and artistic perspectives, and maps its contents.
Discusses the paintings on the walls of Lascaux Cave in France including the cave's discovery, its significance, and the efforts to preserve the paintings themselves.
Forbidden to make images, fourteen-year-old Tao, a boy with a bad foot, yearns to be a cave painter, recording the figures of the rhinos, bison, and other animals of his prehistoric times.
A boy, living in the ancient world before the invention of drawing, creates the world's first pictures as a means of sharing his visualization of everyday objects with those around him.