Fisher, Verna

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Colonial jobs

Provides information about the jobs people had during colonial times in America, how they learned the skills they needed, how jobs were chosen, and how modern work compares with that of the colonists.

Colonial traditions

Examines the traditions that existed during colonial times, looking at how these activities made work easier and how they brought communities together.

Colonial families

Looks at what life was like for families in colonial America, discussing how colonists worked, attended school, prayed, played, and ate, and discusses the lives of slaves and Native Americans.

Colonial farms

Looks at what farms were like in colonial America, examining a typical day on the farm, discussing homes, farm animals, and products, and examining Native American farms.

Explore colonial America!

A hands-on history containing twenty-five activity pages, projects, illustrations, and historical information on life in colonial America.

Colonial towns

Looks at what towns were like in colonial America, discussing how they were organized, how people got around, the arts, and how news was spread, and examines Native American villages of the time.

Colonial homes

Provides information about where people lived during colonial times in America, whether they bought or built their own homes, how the homes of settlers differed from Native American housing, and how modern homes compare with those of the colonists.

Colonial food

Provides information about what people ate during colonial times in America, where the food came from, how Native Americans helped early settlers, where people ate, and how modern eating habits compare to those of the colonists.

Colonial jobs

Provides information about the jobs people had during colonial times in America, how they learned the skills they needed, how jobs were chosen, and how modern work compares with that of the colonists.

Colonial clothes

Looks at the clothing worn by colonial people and explains where the clothes came from, discussing cobblers and tanners, milliners, wigmakers, and tailors. Includes information on Native American dress.
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