discovery and exploration

Geographic Name
discovery and exploration

Samuel de Champlain

A biography of the French explorer who founded Quebec, discovered Lake Champlain, and was called the Father of New France.

The travels of Lewis & Clark

Describes the expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the unknown western regions of America at the beginning of the nineteenth century.


journey to the Pole
A fictional story about a secret American expedition to find the South Pole in 1909, made up of a famous Arctic explorer, his teenage son and stepson, and the expedition's multimillionaire sponsor's young nephew.


a photobiography of African-American polar explorer Matthew Henson
Presents the story of the expedition to the North Pole by explorers Robert Peary and African-American Matthew Henson, focusing on the contributions made by Henson.

Jacques Cartier

Presents an account of Cartier's life and explorations and examines their impact on history and the world.

People in Antarctica

Discusses how Antarctica was discovered, which explorers have visited the continent, how it is used for research, and other related topics.

Exploring the Poles

Describes journeys to the polar regions and the people who risked their lives to reach the coldest places on earth.

Samuel de Champlain

A color-illustrated biography of French explorer Samuel de Champlain, who discovered the Ottawa River, founded the city of Quebec, and worked to establish French colonies on his travels to North America in the early seventeenth century.
Cover image of Samuel de Champlain

The lamp, the ice, and the boat called Fish

based on a true story
Tells the dramatic story of the Canadian Arctic Expedition that set off in 1913 to explore the high north.
Cover image of The lamp, the ice, and the boat called Fish

Uncommon traveler

Mary Kingsley in Africa
A brief biography of the self-educated nineteenth-century Englishwoman who, after a secluded childhood and youth, traveled alone through unexplored West Africa in 1893 and 1894 and learned much about the area and its inhabitants.
Cover image of Uncommon traveler


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