Hiscock, Bruce

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the travels of a snowy owl
Describes the first year of life of a snowy owl living in the Arctic tundra; and includes information about the size, diet, courtship, nesting habits, and life cycle of the snowy owl.

The big tree

Follows the development of a large old maple tree from its growth from a seed during the American Revolution to its maturity in the late twentieth century.

The big storm

Describes a particularly devastating storm that moved across the United States, creating havoc in March-April, 1982, and presents information on basic weather phenomena.

The big tree

Follows the development of a large old maple tree from its growth from a seed during the American Revolution to its maturity in the late twentieth century.

The big rock

Traces the origins of a granite rock located near the Adirondack Mountains and describes how it reveals information about the history of the earth.

Coyote and badger

desert hunters of the Southwest
Fictionalized natural history about how coyotes and badgers hunt together.

The big caribou herd

life in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
An introduction to caribou and to the natural history of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

The big rivers

the Missouri, the Mississippi, and the Ohio
Describes the conditions that led up to the severe flooding in the Mississippi River Valley in 1993.


the travels of a snowy owl
Describes the first year of life of a snowy owl living in the Arctic tundra; and includes information about the size, diet, courtship, nesting habits, and life cycle of the snowy owl.

When will it snow?

A small boy impatiently awaits the first snowfall while the small animals of the woods prepare for winter.


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