conservation of natural resources

Topical Term
conservation of natural resources

Dodging extinction

power, food, money and the future of life on Earth
The author, a paleobiologist, presents the idea that unless we rethink how we generate the power we use to run our global ecosystem, where we get our food, and how we make our money, we could trigger what would be the sixth great extinction on Earth.

Clean water

Explains the importance of clean water and offers twelve tips on how readers can help conserve water.


A tuneless seal teaches a selfish monster a lesson in sharing the beauties of nature.


Describes some of the earth's natural resources, their importance, and how they can be safeguarded.

Justice and natural resources

concepts, strategies, and applications
Discusses the ways that the outcomes of environmental court cases can contribute to social injustice by putting more burdens upon disadvantaged communities.

Our Earth keeping it clean

Explains ways that people can help keep the Earth clean.

Saving the oceans

Photographic exploration of Earth's four ocean zones, discussing why oceans are necessary to life on the planet, looking at the steps scientists and environmentalists are taking to save oceans from the damaging effects of pollution, over-fishing, and increased population, and outlining what individuals can do to conserve ocean environments.

I can save the earth!

[one little monster learns to reduce, reuse and recycle]
Meet Max the Little Monster. He is a cute, furry green monster who is an environmental nightmare. Among other things, he leaves on all the lights, keeps his computer plugged in, blasts the TV, hoards his old toys and uses so much toilet paper it clogs the toilet until finally, his excessive ways cause a power outage. With no TV to watch, computer to play on, video games to play with, Max finds there is a whole big world outside that he can make a difference in the environment. Kids can follow Max the Little Green Monster's journey to environmental awareness and learn tips on how they can become little green monsters themselves.


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