Sweeney, Michael S

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Complete survival manual

A survival guide that provides tips and advice on various outdoor, wilderness, and emergency situations; discusses shelter, food, water, fire, navigation, signaling, first aid, and other related topics; and also covers natural disasters.


the complete mind : how it develops, how it works, and how to keep it sharp
A comprehensive overview of the human brain that covers its physical form and discusses how people can improve and optimize mental acuity as well as diseases and breakthroughs in neuroscience.

From the front

the story of war : featuring correspondents' chronicles
A visual history of wartime journalism, covering conflicts around the world from the Civil War to Afghanistan, and including actual dispatches from reporters and photographers.


the mind-bending science of how you see, what you think, and who you are
Contains experiments that demonstrate the human brain's response to various visual tricks, and explains why the brain reacts the way it does to various sights, sounds, and memories.
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