health & fitness / healthy living

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health & fitness / healthy living

How not to die

discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease
Reveals how simple changes in diet and lifestyle can prevent and reverse many causes of disease-related deaths.
Cover image of How not to die

How to be well

the six keys to a happy and healthy life
" . . . a holistic manual for everything you need to know to 'be well'--how to eat, exercise, sleep better, reduce stress and be happy"--.
Cover image of How to be well

If our bodies could talk

a guide to operating and maintaining a human body
"An empirical, exhaustive, and entertaining look at the body and its functions, in the vein of the author's stories and viral video series for The Atlantic on sleep, aging, diet, and more, examining and reassessing those health concerns that never seem to go away"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of If our bodies could talk

Top 100 pasta dishes

easy everyday recipes that children will love
"New from British TV personality and children's nutrition expert Annabel Karmel, a guide to making everyone's go-to food more delicious and exciting!"--.

The stress-proof brain

master your emotional response to stress using mindfulness & neuroplasticity
" ... offers an original and comprehensive approach to help readers harness the power of positive emotions and overcome stress for good. The unique mindfulness exercises in this book provide a recipe for resilience, empowering readers to master their emotional response to stress, overcome negative thinking, and create a more tolerant, stress-proof brain"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The stress-proof brain

Healthy eating, healthy world

unleashing the power of plant-based nutrition
"This book is all about the single most powerful move that humans can make to promote health, reduce obesity, lower the cost of health care, nurture our fragile environment, conserve our energy resources, feed the world's steadily growing population, and greatly reduce the suffering of animals in factory farms all over the world. As Dr. T. Colin Campbell says, "It turns out that if we eat the way that promotes the best health for ourselves, we also promote the best health for the planet." Like a blinding flash of the obvious, the single most viable solution to all of these issues is an aggressive move in the direction of consuming much more whole, plant-based foods-not necessarily becoming vegetarian or vegan. This book clearly explains how and why we began eating the wrong food for our species and provides helpful guidelines for getting us back on the road to vibrant health and effortless weight-loss. Fortunately, despite the incredible complexity of our current dilemma, the solution is refreshingly simple. It simply requires educating yourself, making better choices in what you eat, and then share all that you have learned with everyone you care about. There has never been anything more important in the history of the world"--.

Peruvian power foods

18 superfoods, 101 recipes, and anti-aging secrets from the Amazon to the Andes
" ... introduces the top superfoods and their myriad health benefits, with more than 75 recipes from the Andes to the Amazon, a growing gastronomical hotspot for chefs and gourmands the world over. With recipes for breakfasts and smoothies, on the fly snacks, plus ... suppers and ... desserts, anyone from the fitness-minded to foodies can easily incorporate these nutrient- and antioxidant-rich foods into their daily lives ... "--Provided by publisher.

21 things you need to know about diabetes and nutrition

Answers the twenty-one most common questions and issues that people with diabetes ask about their nutrition and managing diabetes, covering meal planning, food labels, carb counting, and more.

Sitting kills, moving heals

how simple everyday movement will prevent pain, illness, and early death--and exercise alone won't
Demonstrates how the prevalent problems of obesity, ailing health, and lack of energy can all be easily improved simply by using the power of gravity; based on research into how weightlessness weakens astronauts' muscles, bones, and overall well-being, suggesting ways to incorporate gravity into everyday life, and illustrating how it can increase fitness as well as prevent aging.
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