Hicks, Dwayne

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Bass fishing like a pro

Readers learn all the facets of bass fishing, from the fish itself to equipment, locations, safety, and much more.
Cover image of Bass fishing like a pro

What is a community?

A community can be any size, from a small farming town or village to a giant metropolis. Communities can be made up of many different types of people. This book explains what a community. Thought-provoking sidebars encourage young readers to engage with the material, while vocabulary call-outs and the glossary help expand language skills. This volume is sure to inspire a lively discussion and works well with lower elementary social studies curricula.

Learning to lead

"Readers learn effective leadership skills in order to prepare them for future success"--Provided by publisher.

What's life like in foster care?

Shows readers what they might expect when entering foster care. The age-appropriate text provides guidance for dealing with the many emotions that come with a major life event such as meeting a new foster family.

Those are plains!

"It may seem like there's not much to be learned about vast, flat areas with no trees. But, taking up more than one-third of Earth's land, plains are important parts of the planet. From size, locations, and relationship to other parts of the environment, this . . . guide helps readers learn all about plains . . . photographs show examples of this type of land and help readers learn to recognize them"--Provided by publisher.

Those are hills!

"Hills may seem like a fairly simple landform, but when you delve into the different types of hills that exist, how they're formed, and how they impact the world around them, there's much to be learned . . . photographs show a variety of different kinds of hills and help readers learn to identify the landforms when they see them"--Provided by publisher.

That's a valley!

"Many people know that valleys are areas of low land, but they may be unaware of all the different kinds of valleys that exist and how they're formed. Readers will learn this and much more about valleys with the help of this . . . volume . . . photographs show examples of valleys, helping readers learn to identify these landforms"--Provided by publisher.

That's a plateau!

"Plateaus are sometimes called tablelands--a nickname that makes sense, since these features' flat tops often resemble the smooth surface of a table. Readers of this . . . title learn all about these unique landforms, from how they form their signature flat tops to where they can be found around the world"--Provided by publisher.

That's a mountain!

"In some areas, tall mountains make for quite striking landforms. With the help of this . . . guide, readers don't have to scale the tallest peaks to learn all about these . . . features. Age-appropriate text correlates closely with . . . photographs, making it easy for readers to learn to identify mountains and differentiate them from similar landforms, such as hills"--Provided by publisher.

That's a canyon!

"Many young readers have heard of canyons. Maybe they've even seen one on a family vacation or school trip. However, they may not understand what makes something a canyon or exactly how canyons are formed. Readers of this . . . volume learn to identify canyons and find out how, over many years, rushing rivers can cut through rock to create these . . . landforms"--Provided by publisher.


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