
Topical Term

Tomboy of the Air

daredevil pilot Blanche Stuart Scott
A celebration of an aviation pioneer whose spunky, courageous personality helped her successors' dreams take flight.

Scholastic encyclopedia of women in the United States

Brief illustrated articles profile significant women in American history, including Abigail Adams, Molly Pitcher, and Nellie Bly.

Susan B. Anthony

voice for women's voting rights
Describes the life of the early women's rights activist who fought for women's right to vote.

Buffalo gals

women of the old West
Text and photographs tell the story of pioneer women: schoolmarms, ranchers, shopkeepers, doctors, mail-order brides, as well as, Native American women.

The day the women got the vote

a photo history of the women's rights movement
Describes the history of the women's movement and the struggle to win voting rights and equality in jobs, pay, and representation in government, from Susan B. Anthony to Gloria Steinem.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A brief biography of the author of the Little House books which were based on her own experiences living with her family on the frontier in the late 19th century.

Helen Keller

Presents a comprehensive profile of Helen Keller, who became deaf and blind at an early age, and profiles her life, long association with her teacher Anne Sullivan, her education and long career as an author, lecturer, and social activist.

Mother to tigers

Tells the story of Helen Martini, the woman who became the first woman zookeeper at the Bronx Zoo after her experiences caring for animal cubs brought home by her husband gave her the idea to start an animal nursery at the zoo in 1944.

Independent dames

what you never knew about the women and girls of the American Revolution
Describes the role women and young girls played in the American Revolution, highlighting the contributions and exploits of women who had a significant impact on the colonists' fight for freedom.

Women daredevils

thrills, chills, and frills
Profiles fourteen women who flouted convention to work as entertainers in the years between 1880 and 1929, performing thrilling feats in the water, in the air, and in the circus.


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