services for

Topical Term
services for

The sexual abuse of children

a comprehensive guide to current knowledge and intervention strategies

Nurturing young Black males

challenges to agencies, programs, and social policy

What you can do to help the homeless

creative and effective contribution that individuals, families, and businesses can make

Tools that help me

Introduction to tools that help disabled people who can't see, hear, or walk everyday.

Kisses from Katie

a story of relentless love and redemption
Katie Davis traveled to Uganda for a short mission trip over the Christmas break of her senior year in high school. She found herself so moved by the Ugandan people and their needs that she knew it was her calling to return to care for them. She is now in the process of adopting thirteen children there, and has established the ministry, Amazima, that cares for hundreds more. Here, she shares her story.

Children, race, and power

Kenneth and Mamie Clark's Northside Center
The story of Kenneth and Mamie Clark, founders of New York's Northside Center, discussing their work through the clinic in the civil rights movement, the push for integration in public education, and other issues affecting the African-American community.

Defending our lives

getting away from domestic violence and staying safe
Provides a step-by-step plan of action for abused women who need to protect themselves from domestic violence and stalking, discussing how to deal with the police, how to make the decision to leave, how to navigate the legal system, and how to ensure the safety of family members.

In the shadow of 'just wars'

violence, politics, and humanitarian action
Contains English translations of French essays which analyze eleven major world crises and the international response to them, and explore questions regarding humanitarian action, and the wisdom of having organizations connected to Western aggressors, highlighting some of the successes and failures of international response to crises and their humanitarian components.


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