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Clowning around

Can the star fry cook of Bikini Bottom find job fulfillment under the big top? Send in the clowns.
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Pirates of the kiddy pool

The babies meet a mean kid at the theme park.
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Cool rules

Jimmy tries to invent his way to coolness.
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Llama drama

Jimmy turns reluctant volunteer Carl into a llama, but the new llama is bought by magicians before Jimmy can turn him back.

What's cooking, SpongeBob?

SpongeBob is sent to find a cooking instructor's secrets, but he teaches the instructor something about taste instead.

Stage fright

When Danny Phantom gets the lead role in the school production of Macbeth, mysterious things begin to happen and people refer to the "curse" on the play. Danny soon realizes there's a ghost causing the problems and sets out to confront it.


High speed boat races? Jellyfish stings? What is it that strikes fear in the heart of America's favorite sponge?.

Sky scare

Sam's araid of heights, but the experience of the day is hang gliding!.

SpongeBob MoviePants

SpongeBob makes a movie. Everyone in town wants to be in it, but SpongeBob has trouble getting them all to perform well.


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