solar energy

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solar energy

Solar energy projects

easy energy activities for future engineers!
Explains how the sun's rays can be captured and used as a source of energy with a variety of projects.

Solar power

Text and illustrations introduce solar power, exploring what it is, how it works, and why it is a good source of energy.

Running on sunshine

how does solar energy work?
Text and illustrations looks at how solar energy works.

Playing with solar heat

"Each book in the My Science Fun series includes a simple experiment for the earliest readers. This book features step by step instructions on playing with solar heat while encouraging further exploration on the topic. Simple sentence structure and word usage help children develop word recognition and reading skills"--Provided by publisher.

Solar electricity basics

A homeowner's guide to solar electricity that explains the theoretical, practical, and economic aspects of installing a solar energy system and discusses system maintenance, permits, costs and financial incentives, and related topics.

Time to shine!

After a storm knocks out the power, Sammi cooks an anniversary dinner for her parents using a solar oven.

Sun power

An introduction to the sun, describing the uses of solar power.

Solar power

alternative energy : capturing the sun's energy
"This book details the history, current uses, and potential future applications of solar energy"--Provided by publisher.

Innovators challenging climate change

Discusses innovations in managing climate change, including advances in electricity, transportation, and industry.


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