Streissguth, Thomas

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Denmark in pictures

A photographic introduction to Denmark that provides information on the nation's geography, history, government, people, culture, and economy; and includes a time line, a recipe for apple pancakes, brief profiles of famous Danish people, lyrics to the national anthem, and more.

Albania in pictures

A photographic introduction to the topography, history, government, people, culture, and economy of Albania.

Senegal in pictures

A comprehensive guide to Senegal that features information on the geography, history, government, people, culture, and economy; and includes a timeline, profiles of famous people, and maps.

Mozambique in pictures

An illustrated discussion of Mozambique, covering its geography, history, government, people, culture, economy, and more, and includes a timeline and glossary.

Rwanda in pictures

Describes Rwanda's history, landscape, people, culture, economy, and politics, discussing the major issues it faces, and explores its future.

Bangladesh in pictures

A comprehensive guide to Bangladesh that features information on the geography, history, government, people, culture, and economy; and includes a timeline, profiles of famous people, and maps.

United States in pictures

Reveals the history, government, economy, people, geography, and culture of the United States; and includes full-color photographs, maps,reading list, and Web sites.

Myanmar in pictures

Presents a photographic introduction to the land, history, government, economy, people, and culture of Myanmar formerly called Burma.

Gun control

the pros and cons
Explores both sides of the debate over gun control, looking at the history of guns and gun laws in the U.S., and discussing the role of the National Rifle Association in blocking gun control legislation, as well as the efforts of gun control advocates for stricter laws.

Trials bikes

An introduction to trials bikes that discusses what they are, describes their parts, and examines how they are ridden.


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