Picture book biography

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A picture book of George Washington

A brief account of the life of the "Father of Our Country.".

A picture book of Christopher Columbus

A brief account of the life and accomplishments of Christopher Columbus.

A picture book of Jesse Owens

A simple biography of the noted African-American track star who competed in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Cover image of A picture book of Jesse Owens

A picture book of George Washington Carver

A brief biography of the African-American scientist who overcame tremendous hardship to make unusual and important discoveries in the field of agriculture.
Cover image of A picture book of George Washington Carver

A picture book of Benjamin Franklin

Surveys the life of Benjamin Franklin, highlighting his work as an inventor and statesman.

A picture book of Martin Luther King, Jr

A brief, illustrated, biography of the Baptist minister and civil rights leader whose philosophy and practice of nonviolent civil disobedience helped African-Americans win many battles for equal rights.

A picture book of Christopher Columbus

An illustrated account of the life and accomplishments of fifteenth-century Italian explorer Christopher Columbus.

A picture book of George Washington

A brief account of the life of George Washington, from his childhood in Virginia, to his years as first president of the United States, and his return to his home at Mount Vernon.

A picture book of Florence Nightingale

Traces the life of the nineteenth-century English woman who followed her calling to work in hospitals and improve the conditions under which the sick were treated.

A picture book of Helen Keller

A brief biography of the woman who overcame her handicaps of being both blind and deaf.


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