coaching (athletics)

Topical Term
coaching (athletics)

Choosing a career as a coach

This book explains the various types of coaching careers, including the skills and preparation that are needed for coaching jobs in both professional and community sports.

Game changers

When the coach's son, Shawn, is chosen to play quarterback, eleven-year-old Ben is not surprised, but when he tries to be a good teammate and help the inconsistent Shawn, he learns his new friend does not really want the position.


Miles barely recalls when football was fun after being sidelined by a new coach, constantly criticized by his father, and pressured by his best friend to take performance-enhancing drugs.

Coaching and motivation

a practical guide to maximum athletic performance
Discusses the importance of motivation in team sports, and presents hundreds of practical and proven motivation strategies for coaches to use at all levels of competition.

Careers in focus

Defines the top careers for coaches and fitness professionals in terms of the nature of the work, educational or training requirements, ways to get started, advancement possibilities, salary figures, and employment outlook, and includes sources of more information.

Coaching for character

reclaiming the principles of sportsmanship
A guide for coaches that discusses the basic principles of sportsmanship and offers advice on how to develop those characteristics in their players.


25 writers reflect on people who made a difference
Twenty-five authors share the stories of the athletic coaches whose influence affected the course of their lives, including selections from Jonathan Ames, John McPhee, George Plimpton, Christine Brennan, and others.

Drive to the hoop

Mel is thrilled to play on the junior varsity basketball team, but how can she play to win when she does not have teammates on her side?.


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