Fourth-grader Calvin creates a unique way to express his desire for a dog after his teacher asks him to write a persuasive argument about something he really wants.
Nine-year-old Calvin catches the attention of the school bully on the day before he starts fourth grade, while at home, the unfriendly, fifteen-year-old daughter of his mother's best friend has taken over his room.
Calvin encounters the school bully the day before he starts fourth grade, while at home, the unfriendly, 15-year-old daughter of his mother's best friend has taken over his room.
When Calvin gets a school assignment to do some original research, he decides to investigate his dog's stinky breath and ends up learning about more than just smells.
When Calvin gets a school assignment to do some original research, he decides to investigate his dog's stinky breath and ends up learning about more than just smells.
Calvin tries to earn money to buy Stella, the babysitter, a present for her sixteenth birthday because he feels guilty for taking advantage of her allergy to cats.