d. 1968

d. 1968

Into the mouth of the cat

the story of Lance Sijan, hero of Vietnam
Describes the gallant struggle of an Air Force pilot shot down over Loas in 1967.

Into the mouth of the cat

the story of Lance Sijan, hero of Vietnam
Describes the gallant struggle of an Air Force pilot shot down over Laos in 1967.

Yeats's ghosts

the secret life of W.B. Yeats
A biography of twentieth-century poet W. B. Yeats, discussing the early influence of his Irish mother who, with her ghost stories, steered him onto his occultist path; looking at his experiments with his much younger wife George in Automatic Script; and analyzing his public career in Ireland, his late poetry, and other aspects of his life.

The sinking of the USS Indianapolis

Tells the story of the sinking of the USS "Indianapolis" in 1945, Captain Charles McVay's court-martial for the disaster, and the U.S. Navy's official statement over fifty years later--and thirty-three years after his suicide--that he was not to blame.
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