Dinah Galloway mystery

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The spy in the alley

Eleven-year-old detective Dinah Galloway traces a mystery that leads from a blackberry patch to a corporate boardroom.

The mask on the cruise ship

Amateur detective Dinah Galloway embarks on a high seas adventure when a thief aboard their Alaska-bound cruise ship sets his sights on a priceless Native mask.

The man in the moonstone

When eleven-year-old detective Dinah Galloway gets a part in the musical adaptation of Wilkie Collins' The Moonstone, she stumbles onto a plot to steal a priceless ring.

The summer of the spotted owl

Dinah and Madge investigate when a hang glider crashes into the pool where they are house-sitting.

Shadows on the train

While aboard a train on her way to a talent show, Dinah Galloway learns she is being followed by someone who wants something her father left her and investigates the disappearance of her piano teacher.
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