Shea, Therese

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Full-color photographs bring readers close to this small carnivore, which most would avoid if seen in person!.

Really strange reptiles

Presents examples of reptiles adaptations.

Reading map keys

Teaches readers how to learn map keys, while reinforcing other basic map skills.

Stephen Curry

basketball's MVP
Profiles professional basketball player Steph Curry, discussing his childhood and training, college career, and seasons with the Golden State Warriors. Includes photos, a glossary, index, timeline, and resources for further information.

Spy planes

Describes the first spy aircraft, the A-12, U-2, SR-41 and the future of spy technology.

A bird watcher's guide to cardinals

Simple text and illustrations explore cardinals, including characteristics for spotting them in nature.

How dolphins and other animals use sonar

Contains information on dolpins and other animals that use echolocation.

Cornelius Vanderbilt and the railroad industry

Examines the life of nineteenth century railroad baron Cornelius Vanderbilt, including his entrepreneurial vision and achievements, and his present-day legacy.

Rosa Parks

heroine of the Civil Rights Movement
Profiles the African-American woman whose quiet act of civil disobedience, refusing to go to the back of a segregated public bus in 1955, inspired the early Civil Rights movement.


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