Rosen real readers

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Exploring the Grand Canyon

Provides information about the Grand Canyon, explaining how it was formed, looking at what scientists have learned from studying its rocks, identifying the people who have lived in the area, and discussing the creation of the Grand Canyon National Park.
Cover image of Exploring the Grand Canyon

Native American foods and recipes

Discusses Native American cultures by focusing on their food and recipes.
Cover image of Native American foods and recipes

Inside the sun

This book discusses the formation of the sun and the planets and explains how the sun gives heat, light, and energy to living things.
Cover image of Inside the sun

I wonder why the sky is blue

Explains what the sky is, and provides scientific information about light and colors as they relate to the sky, oceans, and clouds.
Cover image of I wonder why the sky is blue

Space rocks

a look at asteroids and comets
Discusses asteroids, comets, and meteorites that can be found in our solar system, and includes information about the asteroid belt and Halley's Comet.


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