appleseed, johnny

appleseed, johnny

Johnny Appleseed

An introduction to the life of John Chapman, known as Johnny Appleseed, who is famed for his distribution of apple seeds and trees across America.

The true tale of Johnny Appleseed

Presents a retelling of the story of Johnny Appleseed, in simple text with color illustrations, where Johnny travels the countryside, planting seeds, to make the land a better place to live.

The legend of Johnny Appleseed

the graphic novel
A graphic novel retelling of the legend of Johnny Appleseed, a young boy who tried to spread his love of apples by scattering seeds across the entire country while having adventures with creatures such as an injured wolf, Bigfoot, and a giant catfish.

Johnny Appleseed

"select good seeds and plant them in good ground"
Discusses the life of Johnny Appleseed, including his childhood in colonial America, his moveable nursery, the real stories behind his folk legend, and the legacy he left on American history.

Who was Johnny Appleseed?

An introduction to the life and accomplishments of the famous American folk hero and nature lover Johnny Appleseed.

Johnny Appleseed

the story of a legend
Tells the true story of John Chapman, a man born in 1774 whose determination to explore the frontier planting apple trees wherever he roamed earned him the name, Johnny Appleseed.

Johnny Appleseed

A poem describing Johnny Appleseed's appearance and actions.

Johnny Appleseed

A biography of John Chapman whose distribution of appleseeds and trees across the Midwest made him a legend and left a legacy still enjoyed today.

Johnny Appleseed

a tall tale
Presents the life of John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, describing his love of nature, his kindness to animals, and his physical fortitude.

John Chapman

the man who was Johnny Appleseed
Relates how John Chapman's distribution of apple seeds and trees across America made him a legend.


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