Baffling sightings in a busy city--an ear behind a tall building, a nose outside a fancy store, a bushy tail in the park, a foot outside the museum, and more--provide clues to the true identity of Big Bunny.
"Dozens of fun-loving dogs explore a sunken ship, take a rocket to the moon, and visit an Egyptian tomb--where they are chased by a giant cat"--Provided by publisher.
"Pete the bird likes living alone on his island, but a turtle, dog, and elephant join him. When a storm rolls in, everyone works together to keep safe"--Provided by publisher.
A grandfather shares with his grandson the story of Mouse and Squirrel, who are eager to join the lacrosse game between four-legged and winged animals.
"Horse is ready to try some big skateboard tricks and his best friend Buggy has some tricks of his own on how Horse can avoid getting hurt. From tightening helmet straps to bandaging bruised butts, there's no such thing as too much fun with this dynamic duo--especially because they're playing it safe"--Provided by publisher.