darwin, charles

darwin, charles

Darwin and the enchanted isles

Describes the events leading to Darwin's voyage on the Beagle and the subsequent theories on evolution he posed based mainly on observations made on the Galapagos Islands.

Darwin's ghosts

the secret history of evolution
Tells the story of the collective discovery of evolution, arguing that the idea emerged over many centuries.

The reluctant Mr. Darwin

an intimate portrait of Charles Darwin and the making of his theory of evolution
Examines the life and works of Charles Darwin beginning after his five-year, around the world trip on the survey ship "Beagle," and focuses on the factors that led to his work on the "Origin of the Species.".

Angels and ages

a short book about Darwin, Lincoln, and modern life
Examines the personal and professional lives of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin, who share the same birthday, and describes how their accomplishments influenced social changes.

Mr. Darwin's voyage

A biography of naturalist Charles Darwin, focusing on his voyage on the HMS Beagle.

Charles Darwin and the origin of species

Greenwood guides to historic events 1500-1900
The author presents a comprehensive analysis of the theories of Charles Darwin, along with a chronology and overview of the life of Darwin and important events associated with his ideas about evolution.

Darwinism and its discontents

The author presents a strong defense for Charles Darwin's theory of evolution examining Darwin's work on the origins of life and natural selection, and challenges those who espouse to other theories such as creationism and the Intelligent Design Theory.


A biography of naturalist Charles Darwin with emphasis on the decades of struggle after he published his historic theory.

Charles Darwin and The origin of species

A biography of the naturalist who presented the world with the theory of evolution by natural selection. Examines Darwin's voyage on the Beagle, the long years of work and illness, the principles of his theory, and their reception by the scientists and populace of nineteenth century England. Paintings, drawings, and photographs illustrate Darwin's personal life and professional studies.

Charles Darwin and evolution

Traces the life of the English naturalist from his early years through his expedition aboard the H.M.S. Beagle and the development of his theory of evolution by natural selection.


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