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The encyclopedia of evolution

humanity's search for its origins
Presents 600 articles on evolution.

Doubting Darwin?

creationist designs on evolution
Critiques Intelligent Design creationism, examining its arguments, analyzing its use of computer science and information theory, and comparing it with biology, arguing that it should not be presented as an alternative to evolutionary biology in the classroom.

The creationists

from scientific creationism to intelligent design
Chronicles the history of the modern revival of creationism, looks at the source of twenty-first-century beliefs and how they differ from the anti-Darwin sentiments of the 1800s, and discusses how advocates of the modern creationist movement have tried to influence school curriculums.

Finding Darwin's God

a scientist's search for common ground between God and evolution
The author redefines the debate concerning Darwin's theories by offering an analysis of the key issues that seem to divide science and religion.

Growing and changing

Explores the way all living things adapt to their environments as they go through life's cycle from the birth of a human baby to the way leaves mature on trees.

Darwin and the enchanted isles

Describes the events leading to Darwin's voyage on the Beagle and the subsequent theories on evolution he posed based mainly on observations made on the Galapagos Islands.

How dinosaurs came to be

Introduces the reptiles and amphibians that inhabited the Earth before the arrival of dinosaurs, discussing the events in the planet's history that precipitated the age of dinosaurs.

The Scopes trial

the battle over teaching evolution
Photographs, diagrams, timelines, and first-hand accounts describe the debate over evolution during the famous Scopes Monkey trial of 1925.

Monkey town

a story of the Scopes trial
When her father hatches a plan to bring publicity to their small Tennessee town by arresting a local high school teacher for teaching about evolution, the resulting 1925 Scopes trial prompts fifteen-year-old Frances to rethink many of her beliefs about religion and truth, as well as her relationship with her father.


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