Nelson, Peter

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Aerostar and the 3 1

"Herbert, Alex, and Sammie are pretty sure their adventures in the future are over until they meet their greatest villain yet: Sammie's future self, AeroStar, a power-mad tyrant who wants revenge. It's up to our heroes to once again don the mantle of the AlienSlayers and somehow try to save the past, present, and the future from total annihilation"--Provided by publisher.

Deadly games

Sylvia Smith-Smith's first-prize essay has won her a trip to Oxford University to attend an international Shakespeare seminar. She is lonely in London until she agrees to give a 17-year-old genius lessons in love. Soon she finds her room ransacked and she is followed. Who is after her?.

Left for dead

a young man's search for justice for the USS Indianapolis
Recalls the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis at the end of World War II, the Navy cover-up and unfair court martial of the ship's captain, and how a young boy helped the survivors set the record straight fifty-five years later.

Herbert's wormhole

While Alex is getting to know his inventive neighbor Herbert they unexpectedly travel to the twenty-second century through a space-time wormhole where they encounter aliens, jet packs, and their future selves.


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