Osborne, Mary Pope

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Monday with a mad genius

Jack and Annie travel 500 years back in time to Florence, Italy, and spend a day helping Leonardo da Vinci in the hope of learning another secret of happiness. Includes temporary tattoos.

Eve of the Emperor penguin

Jack and Annie continue to try helping Merlin the magician by searching for the secrets of happiness, and their magic tree house takes them to Antarctica, a wasteland where the penguins may know what to do.

Polar bears past bedtime

Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie to the Arctic, where a polar bear leads them onto very thin ice.

Tsunamis and other natural disasters

a nonfiction companion to High tide in Hawaii
Designed for younger readers, this is an informative, fact-filled guide to all kinds of natural disasters.

Season of the sandstorms

Guided by a magic rhyme, Jack and Annie travel to ancient Baghdad on a mission to help the Caliph disseminate wisdom to the world.

My Brother's Keeper

Dog heroes

Jack and Annie track down facts about service dogs, St. Bernard rescue dogs, famous war dogs, and other canine heroes.

Vacation Under The Volcano

Earthquake in the Early Morning

The Magic tree hous takes Jack and Annie to San Francisco in 1906, in time for then to experience the biggest earthquakes the United States had ever known.

Magic Tree House #4

The magic treehouse whisks Jack and Annie back to the days of deserted islands, secret maps, hidden gold, and nasty pirates.


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