Second-grade best friends Ivy and Bean beg for ballet lessons, then, when they are cast as squids in their first recital, scheme to find a way out of what seems to be boring, hard, and potentially embarrassing.
Collects three novels by Sophie Blackall that feature Ivy and Bean, two second grade girls, describing their adventures attempting to avoid a mean babysitter, befriend animals, and escape a potentially embarrassing ballet recital.
After watching a movie about a detective on the television, Bean decides to set up shop as a private investigator--and she and Ivy start looking for mysteries to solve.
Second-grade best friends Ivy and Bean beg for ballet lessons, then, when they are cast as squids in their first recital, scheme to find a way out of what seems to be boring, hard, and potentially embarrassing.
Bean, left in the care of her mean older sister Nancy for the afternoon, enlists her best friend Ivy in a plot to prove Nancy is the worst babysitter ever.