Samuels, Charlie

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Political action committees

Through accessible language and relevant examples and photographs, readers discover the history of political action committees and how they continue to influence American politics.

What happened to Pompeii?

solving the mysteries of the past
Examines Pompeii and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, discussing the victims, life in a Roman town, the ruins, and more.
Cover image of What happened to Pompeii?

Timeline of the Revolutionary War

An overview of the Revolutionary War, featuring time lines that chronicle significant events from the beginning through its conclusion in 1783, and discussing the causes of the conflict, military tactics and technology, and the political consequences of the war.
Cover image of Timeline of the Revolutionary War

Technology in ancient Egypt

Describes many of the innovative inventions that were used in ancient Egypt to help with writing, building, medicine, and warfare.

Technology in ancient Greece

Describes many of the innovative inventions that were used in ancient Greece to help with transportation, agriculture, medicine, and warfare.

Technology in the ancient Americas

Describes many of the innovative inventions that were used in ancient North, South, and Central America to help with farming, building, transportation, and medicine.

Technology in ancient Rome

Describes many of the innovative inventions that were used in ancient Rome to help with transportation, communication, medicine, and architecture.

Astonishing bodies

Discusses different things that some people are able to do that are a mystery to scientists, such as superhuman strength, spontaneous combustion and sleepwalking.

The Cuban missile crisis

In 1962, people around the world, but especially in the United States, Cuba, and the Soviet Union, seemed to be holding their breath as they wondered if a nuclear war was about to erupt. US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara later recalled that he thought October 27, 1962, "was the last Saturday I would ever see.".

Tet Offensive

The Tet Offensive of 1968 was the turning point of the Vietnam War. It convinced many Americans that the war could not be won. In this book, readers will learn about the different factions of the war: the North Vietnamese Army, the Viet Cong, the South Vietnamese, and the American military forces.


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