frank, anne

frank, anne

Anne Frank

Traces the life of a young Jewish girl who kept a diary during two years she and her family hid from the Germans in an Amsterdam attic.

The diary of a young girl

A thirteen-year-old Dutch-Jewish girl records her impressions of the two years she and seven others spent hiding from the Nazis before they were discovered and taken to concentration camps. Includes entries previously omitted.

Anne Frank

the Anne Frank House authorized graphic biography
Provides a graphic novel account of the life of Anne Frank, covering her family, the rise of Nazism, her years in the Secret Annex, her arrest, her deportation, her death, her father's recovery of her diary, and other related topics.

Anne Frank

Discusses the life of Anne Frank, focusing on the years she and her family spent in hiding and the impact of her story upon the world.

The diary of a young girl

the definitive edition
An adolescent Jewish girl chronicles her experiences over the years she and several others hid from the Nazis in a secret apartment before being discovered and sent to concentration camps. Includes entries previously omitted.

Anne Frank

voice of hope
Introduces the life of the teenage girl who dreamed of becoming a writer someday, but who died in a Nazi death camp without seeing her diary become famous around the world.

Searching for Anne Frank

letters from Amsterdam to Iowa
Provides a glimpse of life during World War II in both the Netherlands and the United States through the correspondence of Anne Frank and her Iowa pen pals.

Anne Frank

Traces the life of the young Jewish girl whose diary chronicles the years she and her family hid from the Nazis in an Amsterdam attic.

Anne Frank

child of the Holocaust
A biography of the thirteen-year-old Jewish girl whose diary, published after her death in a Nazi concentration camp, made her famous all over the world.

Shadow life

a portrait of Anne Frank and her family
Describes the lives of the members of the Frank family before and after they were forced into hiding from the Nazis during World War II, and features a fictional diary that views events from the perspective of Anne's sister Margot.


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