Meier, Deborah

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The power of their ideas

lessons for America from a small school in Harlem

The power of their ideas

lessons for America from a small school in Harlem
The principal of a most successful public school, Central Park East (CPE) in East Harlem, defends public education and advocates breaking up large school into small schools, choice within the public school system, respect, teaching that connects learning to real world activities, and a new ideal of being "well-educated.".

Many children left behind

how the No Child Left Behind Act is damaging our children and our schools
Examines the 2002 Federal "No Child Left Behind" law and explains how this law actually damages both the schools and its students including the "dumbing down" of standardized tests rather than setting higher standards of achievement.

Keeping school

letters to families from principals of two small schools
Presents a collection of letters and essays from three principals of two small schools in Massachusetts containing lessons on learning, authority, community, and standards.
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