Harasymiw, Mark

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Dragonflies lived with the dinosaurs!

Looks at what ancient dragonflies were like in the prehistoric world, discussing their habitat, life cycle and more, and explores how they have survived for millions of years.

Team time machine leads the way at Lexington and Concord

"The Team Time Machine kids are going back in time to a famous moment in American history--when American colonists battled the British forces at Lexington and Concord. As . . . readers tag along, the time-traveling adventurers witness these Revolutionary War battles and the British march back to Boston, setting the stage for the revolution that created the United States. Historical images and fun fact boxes give budding historians an in-depth understanding of these significant events"--Provided by publisher.

The bizarre life cycle of a salmon

Photographs and text examine the life cycle of salmon, describing their unique abilities and characteristics, habitats, and related topics.
Cover image of The bizarre life cycle of a salmon


Meet the part of the United States Air Force Special Operations Command known as Pararescuemen. These skilled paratroopers perform daring rescues all over the world, sometimes while evading the enemy. This book explores their training as parachutists and their participation in recent military missions.
Cover image of Pararescuemen


Provides and introduction to the U.S. Special forces unit known as the Rangers, discussing its history, recruitment, training and missions.

The legend of Rip Van Winkle

Discusses the inspiration behind Washington Irving's short story about Rip Van Winkle, who slept through the American Revolution thanks to some mysterious bearded men in the Catskill Mountains.
Cover image of The legend of Rip Van Winkle

The legend of Johnny Appleseed

Explores the legend of Johnny Appleseed, covering who John Chapman was, what he did, myths about him, and more.
Cover image of The legend of Johnny Appleseed

Matema?ticas en Marte

"Readers will learn more about [Mars], including what its climate and surface are like, why it's called the Red Planet, and about the recent discovery of water on its surface... while solving "Your Mission" math problems"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Matema?ticas en Marte


An introduction to the United States Army that provides information on its history, purpose, training, weapons and equipment, role in combat, recruitment, and values.

Be an archaeologist

Archaeologists have opened whole new worlds to people, such as ancient Egypt and prehistoric America. However, an archaeological dig requires a lot of meticulous preparation, research, and labor. Readers are given a glimpse into the hard work that archaeologists do as well as the excitement of the discoveries.
Cover image of Be an archaeologist


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