Bennett, Jack

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Discovery and mutiny

Presents two episodes of the 1950s historical reenactment program "You Are There," in which CBS news correspondents broadcast "live" as Hernan Cortes decides in 1519 whether to attempt conquering Mexico by defeating Montezuma, and as Fletcher Christian leads a mutiny against Captain William Bligh on the H.M.S. "Bounty" in 1789.

Discovery and mutiny

Presents two episodes of the 1950s historical reenactment program "You Are There," in which CBS news correspondents broadcast "live" as Hernan Cortes decides in 1519 whether to attempt conquering Mexico by defeating Montezuma, and as Fletcher Christian leads a mutiny against Captain William Bligh on the H.M.S. "Bounty" in 1789.


The voyage of the Lucky Dragon

A young Vietnamese boy recounts the perils and hardships endured by his family as they journey to Indonesia, Singapore and finally to Australia seeking political asylum.
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