Latham, Jean Lee

Compare Name: 

Eli Whitney, great inventor

A brief biography of the inventor of a gin to seed upland cotton and of a way to mass produce musket locks.

Sam Houston, hero of Texas

A brief account of Sam Houston who served as a Congressman and Governor of Tennessee before his association with Texas began.

Samuel F. B. Morse, artist-inventor

A brief biography of the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code, who planned from early childhood to be a painter of great historical pictures but first won recognition as a portrait painter.

Sam Houston, hero of Texas

A brief account of Sam Houston who served as a Congressman and Governor of Tennessee before his association with Texas began.

Eli Whitney, great inventor

A brief biography of the inventor of a gin to seed upland cotton and of a way to mass produce musket locks.

Carry on, Mr. Bowditch

A fictionalized biography of the mathematician and astronomer who realized his childhood desire to become a ship's captain and authored the American Practical Navigator.
Cover image of Carry on, Mr. Bowditch

Retreat to glory

The childhood, military career, and political life of the man who fought for the statehood of Texas.

Young man in a hurry

Eli Whitney, great inventor

At fifteen, Eli Whitney built himself a business making nails. Later people all over the world hailed him for the invention of the cotton gin, which saved the southern economy. Whitney's life is one of patience and perseverance.


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