terrorism victims' families

Topical Term
terrorism victims' families

Middletown, America

one town's passage from trauma to hope
A collection of true stories which recount how the residents of Middletown, New Jersey, are trying to put their lives back together after more than fifty members of its community were killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Middletown, America

one town's passage from trauma to hope
Shares the stories of Middletown, New Jersey families who lost loved ones in the September, 11 terrorist attacks.

House of the deaf

After losing his oldest daughter in a terrorist bombing, Ben Williamson is consumed by grief, which sends him on a journey to find out the reasons behind his daughter's death.

Let's roll!

ordinary people, extraordinary courage
Lisa Beamer shares memories of her life with husband Todd, and discusses how her husband's courageous actions on United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, forever changed her life, and the lives of all Americans.
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