electronic surveillance

Topical Term
electronic surveillance

The Snowden files

the inside story of the world's most wanted man
Edward Snowden is one of the most extraordinary whistleblowers in history. A precocious computer specialist who rapidly rose through the ranks of the U.S. intelligence community, Snowden was only twenty-nine years old when he exposed the National Security Agency's mass surveillance program of citizens, which collects and stores people?s phone calls, emails, and contacts. Forced to flee the country to escape federal prosecutors, he remains a controversial figure in exile, having been called, by turns, a traitor, a hero, a dissident, a patriot.

The bar code prophecy

The year is 2025 and the mysterious, ubiquitous, and seemingly omnipotent multi-national corporation, Global 1, is in power through their agent President Loudon Waters. But now this ominous situation is experienced through the eyes of sixteen-year-old Grace Morrow. When Grace finds out that she's adopted, her biological father, who's the head of the Global 1 nano-bot injection project, urges her against getting the bar code tattoo when she turns seventeen. Stunned by the revelations, she goes home to find her adoptive family vanished, and she's determined to find them, turning to the anti-bar-code group Decode. As they uncover more information about tracking, Grace must hide deep underground and under cover, trying to discover information that will allow Decode to figure out what Global 1 is up to, and trying desperately to shut the organization down for good.

Terms of service

social media and the price of constant connection
Discusses the dangers of constant social media usage, including lack of privacy, the collapse of barriers between one's public and private lives, and the hidden uses of social media data by companies.


Looks at Edward Snowden who leaked classified information from the United States National Security Agency in 2013.

They're watching

Patrick Davis, dealing with the collapse of his Hollywood dreams and an unhappy wife, is made aware by videos that are sent to his house and e-mails that his every move is being documented, and when he receives an offer to make all of his trouble go away, he takes it, but soon finds out that making problems disappear is not as easy as it seems and he has to outwit his unseen opponents if he is going to come out ahead.

Privacy in the age of big data

recognizing threats, defending your rights, and protecting your family
Highlights the many positive outcomes of digital surveillance and data collection while also outlining those forms of data collection to which we may not consent, and of which we are likely unaware.

Terms of service

social media and the price of constant connection
Discusses the dangers of constant social media usage, including lack of privacy, the collapse of barriers between one's public and private lives, and the hidden uses of social media data by companies.

Data and Goliath

the hidden battles to collect your data and control your world

They know everything about you

how data-collecting corporations and snooping government agencies are destroying democracy
"In the first week of June 2013, the American people discovered that for a decade, they had abjectly traded their individual privacy for the chimera of national security. The revelation that the federal government has full access to all phone records and the vast trove of presumably private personal data posted on the Internet has brought the threat of a surveillance society to the fore. But the erosion of privacy rights extends far beyond big government. Big business has long played a leading role in the hollowing outof personal freedoms. In this new book, Robert Scheer shows how our most intimate habits, from private correspondence, book pages read, and lists of friends and phone conversations have been seamlessly combined in order to create a detailed map of an individual's social and biological DNA"--OCLC.

Rat runners

Four young thieves, one simple mission: Steal a black-leather box from the daughter of a murdered scientist without anyone noticing. But WatchWorld controls London now, and the organization knows everything. Every major street is monitored with heat-sensitive and X-ray cameras. Microphones record voices from hundreds of feet away, and drones watch from the sky. Patrolling the streets are Safe-Guards, part human and part robot, they can see through walls, hear your heartbeat, and analyze your sweat. But staying hidden is what Nimmo, Scope, Manikin, and FX do best. Using the city's blind spots, they navigate the criminal underworld until they're caught in a rat run of murder and deceit that might not let them out alive.


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