Caramagna, Joe

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Strange world, the graphic novel

"The Clades, a family of legendary explorers which includes a father, a son, a three-legged dog, and an unruly blob, undertake a mission to navigate a strange land inhabited by fantastical creatures"--OCLC.

Aru Shah and the end of time

the graphic novel
Presents a graphic novelization of Roshani Chokshi's "Aru Shah and the End of Time," in which twelve-year-old Aru stretches the truth to fit in at her private school, but when she is dared to prove an ancient lamp is cursed, she inadvertently frees an ancient demon.

Ultimate Spider-Man

"Spider-Man returns home to his universe but needs to call on his spider friends to defeat the Green Goblin from completing his evil plan"--Publisher.

Aru Shah and the end of time

the graphic novel
Presents a graphic novelization of Roshani Chokshi's "Aru Shah and the End of Time," in which twelve-year-old Aru stretches the truth to fit in at her private school, but when she is dared to prove an ancient lamp is cursed, she inadvertently frees an ancient demon.
Cover image of Aru Shah and the end of time


"Anna is on a mission to find more ways that she can help the people of Arendelle. When a wild animal disrupts the village, she meets Mari--an adventurous young woman who has similar feelings--and together they decide to explore some of the many different jobs that the kingdom has to offer. Meanwhile, Elsa is occupied with a mystery in Arendelle's western woods and tension brewing in a nearby territory. Anna and Mari, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven, have a quest to fulfill, mysteries to solve, and peace to restore...Can they do it?"--Back cover.

Ralph breaks the internet

"Ralph and Vanellope risk it all by traveling to the world wide web, which may or may not survive Ralph's wrecking"--.

Adapting to change

The Avengers rejoin to infiltrate A.I.M. and take down its new leader, the Scientist Supreme, but a familiar face appears among the stolen tech. Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO.
Cover image of Adapting to change

The amazing Spider-man

Peter Parker is a typical teenager living in New York City. His timid demeanor and passion for science make him a perfect target for high school bullies like all-star football player Flash Thompson. But all that changes when ... a radioactive spider bites Peter, and he starts to transform! Suddenly he has incredible new spider-like powers, but the awkward teen must learn how to cope with abilities that set him even further apart from his peers.".

Avengers Ultron revolution. The ultimates, #2

Ultron is back and unleashes his army of ultimates - adaptoids that mimic the Avengers' powers, which leaves the Avengers scrambling not only to save the world but themselves.
Cover image of Avengers Ultron revolution. The ultimates, #2

Avengers Ultron revolution. Saving Captain Rogers, #3

Iron Man and Black Widow head out to find a missing Cap, and track him down to a familiar castle in Europe where they find him hypnotized by Baron Helmut Zero.


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