Great minds series

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The praise of folly

Presents an English translation of the Latin text by sixteenth-century Dutch theologian Desiderius Erasmus in which he illuminates the humanists' program for educational, religious, and theological reform through an ironic speech by the pagan goddess Folly in praise of herself.
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Wealth of nations

A statement and defense of capitalist economics, first published in the late eighteenth century by Scottish scholar Adam Smith.

History of the Peloponnesian War

A contemporary account of the long, disastrous conflict between Athens and Sparta, written by Thucydides four hundred years before the birth of Christ.

Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds

Presents a comprehensive account of paranormal beliefs and popular delusions in history including the seventeenth-century madness surrounding the value of tulips in Holland, witch hunts and haunted houses, health cures and scares, and other examples of human gullibility.
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