Rose, Amethyst, and Lavender, fifth-year students at the Brooklyn School of Magic, need to pass the Equinox Test in order to move up to Middle Magic--but they soon face self-doubts, a cheating scandal, and trouble brewing in the magical community.
Pia Paro questions the system she once believed in and joins the Seafoxes, a ragtag team of players seeking to win the deadly Noctis games, to save her grandfather.
When Maya receives a mysterious, magic bracelet in the mail, she wishes to be in charge of things and, although she starts to enjoy her authority, she is soon overwhelmed by newfound responsibilities, needing the help of her long-distance friends to untangle the bracelet's magic.
Powers of telepathy and telekinesis are awake in the Theland children, Simon and Aly, while their older sister, Rachael, is filled with an inner rage which manifests as pyrokineis--but at his new school Simon begriends a girl who also has hidden powers.
Thirteen-year-old Lunar Jones was born on Mars, with every day a struggle, until he stumbles into a restricted military zone where he learns dragons are real and a new dragon has chosen him as a rider--a role he needs to embrace quickly because this dragon could save the Martian colony.
Locked away in a secret prison in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, fourteen-year-olds Antares and Magdavell?a set out to discover a lost and forgotten island that holds the key to foiling the evil mystics' plan to control time.
When eleven-year-old Vanessa discovers an abandoned museum, she starts filling it with her own projects and art and memories, thinking maybe, if she can put them all together in just the right way, she can finally understand why she and her relationships are the way they are.
"Retells the story of the Madrigals, an extraordinary family that lives in the mountains of Colombia in a charmed region called Encanto--a wondrous place whose magic becomes threatened and whose rescue depends on the only member of the Madrigal family who doesn't possess magical gifts"--.
"Healer Evora is turned into a hideous ogre by the fairy Lucinda after rejecting a proposal, and has only a few months to find a love to reverse the curse"--Provided by publisher.
"Roxas is a boy who lives in sleepy Twilight Town with his friends Hayner, Pence, and Olette. As the last week of summer vacation comes to a close, the four spend their days together, making sure to leave no regrets. All the while, Roxas worries about the strange things that keep happening to him."--.