Crowe, Chris

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Presenting Mildred Taylor

A critical look at the life and works of Mildred Taylor.

Getting away with murder

the true story of the Emmett Till case
Presents a true account of the murder of fourteen-year-old Emmett Till in Mississippi in 1955.

Mississippi trial, 1955

In Mississippi in 1955, a sixteen-year-old finds himself at odds with his grandfather over issues surrounding the kidnapping and murder of a fourteen-year-old African-American from Chicago.

Getting away with murder

the true story of the Emmett Till case
Presents a true account of the murder of fourteen-year-old, Emmett Till, in Mississippi, in 1955.

Presenting Mildred Taylor

A critical look at the life and works of Mildred Taylor.

Up Close:Thurgood Marshall

Changing American history by challanging it. from "Jim Crow Laws" that promoted rasism and segregation to the NAACP that supported Brown vs Board of Education, all the way to the Supreme Court.The first African American appointed to the Supreme Court, a role model to people of all colors.

Presenting Mildred D. Taylor

Examines the life and writing of young adult novelist Mildred D. Taylor, focusing on how her family background, as well an awareness of racism and inequality influenced her work.

Death coming up the hill

Douglas Ashe keeps a weekly record of historical and personal events in 1968, the year he turns seventeen, including the escalating war in Vietnam, assassinations, rampant racism, and rioting; his first girlfriend, his parents' separation, and a longed-for sister.

Thurgood Marshall

a twentieth-century life
A personal profile of Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall, discussing how the discrimination he faced as a child led to his decision to pursue a career in law, and looking at his work to win equal rights for African-Americans, most notably his leadership in "Brown versus the Board of Education.".

More than a game

sports literature for young adults
Contains a comprehensive study of the history and trends associated with adolescent sports literature covering such topics as sports in both fiction and non-fiction, literature for young women, and young adult novels about coaches and team leaders.


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