gehrig, lou

gehrig, lou

Lou Gehrig's disease

Describes the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), explains why ALS is associated with baseball player Lou Gehrig, presents a look at how the disease affects a person's life, discusses ALS research, and provides a glossary, further reading list, and list of related organizations.

Lou Gehrig

a life of dedication
A brief biography of legendary baseball player for the New York Yankees, Lou Gehrig, that describes his childhood and dedication to the sport he loved.

Luckiest man

the life and death of Lou Gehrig
Chronicles the life of baseball legend Lou Gehrig, discussing his childhood in New York City, shyness, interactions with other members of the Yankee team, professional triumphs, personal relationships, and struggles to overcome a debilitating disease.

The girl who struck out Babe Ruth

A retelling of the day Jackie Mitchell, a seventeen-year-old female professional baseball player, struck out the New York Yankees best hitters, Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, in an exhibition game in 1931.

Lou Gehrig

the luckiest man
Traces the life of the Yankees' star ballplayer, focusing on his character and his struggle with the terminal disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Lou Gehrig, Pride of the Yankees

Describes the life of the great baseball player, from his childhood as the only son of German immigrants to his triumph as star of the New York Yankees.

Lou Gehrig

the luckiest man
Traces the life of the Yankees' star ballplayer, focusing on his character and his struggle with the terminal disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Lou Gehrig

A biography of the New York Yankee slugger whose feat of playing in 2130 consecutive games earned him the nickname "The Iron Man.".

Lou Gehrig

A biography of the New York Yankee first baseman known as "The Iron Man" because he played in over 2000 consecutive games.


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