a step-by-step guide to making lanyards, key chains, bracelets, and other crafts with boondoggle, scoubidou, gimp, and plastic lace
Setbon, Yonatan
''This step-by-step guide to creating lanyards, key chains, bracelets, and other crafts with plastic lace features full-color diagrams and easy-to-follow text. It can be used at any proficiency level, starting off with basic stitching techniques before moving on to more advanced methods in order to teach you how to: create a standard lanyard; integrate practical and creative techniques; incorporate new and playful ideas, and more!''--Provided by publisher.
Contains illustrated, step-by-step instructions for making keychains, neck lanyards, bracelets, and zipper pulls with plastic lacing, and includes information on basic supplies, tools, and techniques.
"Full-color photos and simple, step-by-step instructions describe 10 crafts and activities using empty milk jugs and common materials found around the house"--.