Smith-Llera, Danielle

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TV shows the world freedom as the Berlin Wall falls

an augmented reading experience
"Historical photographs combined with . . . narration bring the story of the Berlin Wall to life. Kids will learn about the partition of Berlin after WWII, the cold war tensions between the US and the USSR that led to the building of the wall, and the anti-communist pressures that led to its fall. The fall of the wall would become a symbol of democracy and freedom"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of TV shows the world freedom as the Berlin Wall falls

Mars rover

how a self-portrait captured the power of Curiosity
A look at 'Curiosity's' mission on Mars and what has been learned about the planet from it.
Cover image of Mars rover

Lunch counter sit-ins

how photographs helped foster peaceful civil rights protests
"On point historical photographs combined with strong narration bring the saga of the Woolworth lunch counter sit-ins in the early 1960s to life. Readers will learn about the four brave college students who started it all, as well as the many who came after. These events changed the world. The photographer who took the photographs shown in this book is now in his 90s, but he agreed to an exclusive interview for this book."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Lunch counter sit-ins

Che Guevara's face

how a Cuban photographer's image became a cultural icon
"Discusses the iconic photograph of revolutionary Che Guevara taken in 1960 by Cuban photographer Alberto Korda"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Che Guevara's face

Fukushima disaster

how a tsunami unleashed nuclear destruction
Discusses the massive tsunami caused by the strongest earthquake to ever hit Japan that triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis since the Chernobyl accident twenty-five years earlier.
Cover image of Fukushima disaster

Che Guevara's face

how a Cuban photographer's image became a cultural icon
"Discusses the iconic photograph of revolutionary Che Guevara taken in 1960 by Cuban photographer Alberto Korda"--Provided by publisher.

The Iroquois

the past and present of the Haudenosaunee
"Explains Iroquois history and highlights Iroquois life in modern society"--Provided by publisher.

Trash vortex

how plastic pollution is choking the world's oceans
Describes the effects of plastic debris in the oceans on marine life.
Cover image of Trash vortex

TV shows the world freedom as the Berlin Wall falls

an augmented reading experience
"On-point historical photographs combined with strong narration bring the story of the Berlin Wall to life. Kids will learn about the partition of Berlin after WWII, the cold war tensions between the US and the USSR that led to the building of the wall, and the anti-communist pressures that led it to fall. The fall of the wall would become a symbol of democracy and freedom. Readers will understand the significance behind this event through text and clips of the event itself via the Capstone 4D augmented reality app"--.
Cover image of TV shows the world freedom as the Berlin Wall falls

Lunch counter sit-ins

how photographs helped foster peaceful civil rights protests
"On point historical photographs combined with strong narration bring the saga of the Woolworth lunch counter sit-ins in the early 1960s to life. Readers will learn about the four brave college students who started it all, as well as the many who came after. These events changed the world. The photographer who took the photographs shown in this book is now in his 90s, but he agreed to an exclusive interview for this book."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Lunch counter sit-ins


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