Gehret, Jeanne

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The don't-give-up kid and learning differences

Alex, a child with dyslexia, learns about his and other learning problems and what is done to solve them.

Eagle eyes

a child's guide to paying attention
Like a river overflowing its banks, Ben wreaks havoc until he learns to recognize and control his attention deficit disorder.

Learning disabilities and the don't give-up kid

Alex, a child with dyslexia, learns about his and other learning problems and what is done to solve them.

Eagle eyes

a child's guide to paying attention
Like a river overflowing its banks, Ben wreaks havoc until he learns to recognize and control his attention deficit disorder.

Eagle eyes

a child's view of attention deficit disorder
Like a river overflowing its banks, Ben wreaks havoc until he learns to recognize and control his attention deficit disorder.

Susan B. Anthony, and justice for all

Biography of the New York State feminist who advocated women's suffrage, abolition of slavery, and temperance.


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