Communicating with confidence

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The right words

knowing what to say and how to say it
Explores the importance of using the right words to communicate effectively, and how this skill can help with personal, business, and electronic commuications.

Nonverbal communication

the art of body language
A guide to nonverbal communication, addressing facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language.

Making friends

the art of social networking in life and online
Explores in the importance of friendships, using social networks, meeting new people, and building and maintaining lasting friendships.

Being a leader

organizing and inspiring a group
Explores the qualities that make a person a leader, and how to achieve goals and manage people using these qualities.

Professional connections

learning how to network
This book explains the importance of making connections in both your private and professional life and provides tips for opening doors in a thoughtful and safe manner.

The right words

knowing what to say and how to say it
Discusses strategies for communicating effectively with teachers, classmates, and family, in such situations as on the job and online.

Nonverbal communication

the art of body language
Some myths and facts about body language and ten great questions to ask a teacher about nonverbal communication are included in the text.

Making friends

the art of social networking in life and online
This volume contains fascinating sidebars and informed text that offer readers some practical tips on how to balance online friendships with face-to-face relationships.

Listen up

knowing when and when not to speak
Explores factors that influence listening and comprehension, and provides tips for being a better listener.

Being a leader

organizing and inspiring a group
Discusses the characteristics of an effective leader, tactics for building trust, and strategies for continuing personal development while in a leadership role.
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