Hansen, Joyce

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Between two fires

Black soldiers in the Civil War
Documents the recruitment, training, and struggles of African American soldiers during the Civil War and examines the campaigns in which they participated.

Freedom roads

searching for the Underground Railroad
Looks at how historians work and the clues they use to learn about the Underground Railroad, a series of secret escape routes enslaved people followed to freedom.

One true friend

Fourteen-year-old orphan Amir, living in Syracuse, exchanges letters with his friend Doris, still living in their old Bronx neighborhood, in which they share their lives and give each other advice on friendship, family, foster care, and making decisions.

The captive

Kofi's safe world is suddenly shattered by white men who have arrived from the coast, stealing his people to sell into slavery. Soon Kofi finds himself being led in chains from his African village to a cold farm in New England.

"Bury me not in a land of slaves"

African-Americans in the time of Reconstruction
An account of African-American life in the period of Reconstruction following the Civil War, based on first-person narratives, contemporary documents, and other historical sources.

I thought my soul would rise and fly

the diary of Patsy, a freed girl
Twelve-year-old Patsy keeps a diary of the ripe but confusing time following the end of the Civil War and the granting of freedom to former slaves.


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