nuclear power plants

Topical Term
nuclear power plants

The warning

accident at Three Mile Island

Radiant girl

In the aftermath of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, a Ukrainian girl named Katya comes to understand the things most important about her homeland, and in combining the mythological strength of her ancestors with a newly acquired comprehension of the scientific truth of the event, Katya fulfills a promise she made to herself many years before.

Aunt Carrie's war against Black Fox nuclear power plant

The author's memoir of her successful campaign to prevent the construction of two nuclear power reactors near her Oklahoma farm, a battle she waged for nine years, costing her and her husband their entire savings, the nursing home they owned, and almost the family farm.

Predicting nuclear and other technological disasters

Discusses risks involved in state-of-the-art technology and what we can do to make the risks less and prevent disasters such as Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Bhopal.

Deadly deceit

low-level radiation, high-level cover-up
A report on the statistical results of atomic radiation and mortality, supplemented by graphs, maps, references, an index, and appendices.

Radioactive waste from nuclear power plants

Provides an analysis of the technical and institutional context of the Ringhals 3 application in which the Swedish nuclear industry requested permission to load and operate a new reactor and presented its plan, developed by the Nuclear Fuel Safety project, for the safe, long-term management of radioactive wastes.

The nuclear energy controversy

Discusses the positive and negative aspects of nuclear energy and the controversy surrounding the use of this type of energy.

Power to save the world

the truth about nuclear energy


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