civil rights workers

Topical Term
civil rights workers

Marian Wright Edelman

defender of children's rights
A biography of the African-American lawyer and social reformer who is known for her work on behalf of children's rights.

Rosa Parks

a photo-illustrated biography
A photographic biography of Rosa Parks, discussing her early life and marriage, and focusing on her role in the Civil Rights movement. Includes a fact file, glossary, and references.

My dream of Martin Luther King

The author recounts the life of Martin Luther King in the form of her own dream.

A. Philip Randolph and the labor movement

A biography of the civil rights activist who organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, which acted as a labor union for Pullman car porters, and crusaded for equal rights for African-Americans in the armed forces, military industries, and in labor unions.

I am Martin Luther King, Jr.

A biography of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., who worked for equal rights for African-Americans.

The rebellious life of Mrs. Rosa Parks

Looks at the life and career of civil rights activist Rosa Parks.

How to analyze the works of Martin Luther King Jr.

Explains how to use critical theory to analyze the speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.

Freedom summer

the savage summer that made Mississippi burn and made America a democracy
A detailed history of the attempt in 1964 to register African-Americans in Mississippi and the over seven hundred college students from both southern and northern schools who descended upon the state to help in the cause for freedom and civil rights.

John Lewis

Profiles the civil rights leader who was active in the Freedom Rides and other major events in the battle against segregation and later became a long-term congressman from Georgia.

W.E.B. Du Bois

a twentieth-century life
Examines the life of W.E.B. Du Bois, discussing his fight for racial equality, literary works, and influence on the African-American community.


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