
Geographic Name

Creepy Chicago

Get ready to read four chilling tales about Chicago's spookiest spots. A dark street curves around Lake Michigan to a cemetery. A cold wind blows. Mist rises from the lake. Suddenly, you feel you are not alone. Is somebody--or something--hiding in the mist?.

A raisin in the sun

The classic play about a working-class African-American family struggling to maintain dignity in a harsh world. Features a full-cast performance.

When Chicago was young

An account of the rugged and energetic days of early Chicago from its beginnings as the settlement of Chickagou to the Great Fire.

Color me dark

the diary of Nellie Lee Love, the great migration North
Eleven-year-old Nellie Lee Love records in her diary the events of 1919, when her family moves from Tennessee to Chicago, hoping to leave the racism and hatred of the South behind.


magic of the white city
Brings the Chicago World's Fair to life. Experience the world of 1893 through a cinematic visit to Chicago's Columbian Exposition. Many of the world's greatest achievements in science, technology and culture are unveiled there. In addition, fairgoers enjoy the popular and commercially successful Midway Plaisance where the festive atmosphere of this one-mile entertainment center offers an array of guilty pleasures such as belly dancing, street fighting and beer. Nearly 28 million visit the Fair. Dubbed the "White City," it inspires future innovators like Henry Ford and Frank Lloyd Wright, debuts the Ferris Wheel and Cracker Jack, and, in many ways, marks the beginning of the 20th century.
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