
Geographic Name

A primary source investigation of the Continental Congress

Examines primary source documents that chronicle the first Continental Congress in 1774 where delegates from nearly all the colonies convened to lay the foundation for a new country. Includes a timeline, a glossary, maps, archival images, and resources for further information.
Cover image of A primary source investigation of the Continental Congress

An oral and documentary history of the Darfur genocide

Traces the history of genocidal acts that have occurred in Darfur during the early twenty-first century, sharing first-hand accounts from survivors on their lives before, during, and after genocidal events, and providing documents issued by the United States, the United Nations, and the International Criminal Court (ICC) to address whether or not the actions of the Sudanese government constitute genocide.
Cover image of An oral and documentary history of the Darfur genocide

The American dream

Explores the idea of the American dream, discussing the relationship between education and jobs, technological displacement of workers, downward mobility among certain groups, labor mobility and home ownership as indicators of the health of the idea of the American Dream.
Cover image of The American dream

Opposing viewpoints in American history

Presents over eighty primary documents from American history expressing opposing opinions on the issues of the times, covering Reconstruction, 1865-1895; the Progressive Era, 1895-1920; the Depression and years leading to World War II; 1920-1945; and the Cold War years, 1945-1992.
Cover image of Opposing viewpoints in American history

Upstate travels

British views of nineteenth-century New York
Cover image of Upstate travels

Black protest and the great migration

a brief history with documents
Contains a collection of documents from newspapers, journals, periodicals, and trade publication from the North and the South on issues of African American protest and migration between 1915 and 1918 following the economic depression in the South after World War One.
Cover image of Black protest and the great migration

Constructing the American past

a source book of a people's history
Cover image of Constructing the American past

Down & out in the Great Depression

letters from the forgotten man
A collection of letters by the ordinary men, women, and children who suffered through the Great Depression.
Cover image of Down & out in the Great Depression

American speeches

Contains the unabridged texts of forty-five speeches by Americans such as George Washington, Patrick Henry, Daniel Webster, Sojourner Truth, and Abraham Lincoln, presented in chronological order from 1761 to 1865.
Cover image of American speeches


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